2025 Membership dues
Thank you for continuing your membership with L’Union Francaise! Membership allows you to help decide the future of the organization by electing and maybe even serving on our Board of Directors. Membership also grants you access to members only events throughout the year, as well as a discounted rate on our Vive la Francophonie series.
Paying dues through our online store is for those who have already been accepted as members. While we appreciate your enthusiasm, please fill out our Membership application HERE, before paying yearly dues.
Thank you for continuing your membership with L’Union Francaise! Membership allows you to help decide the future of the organization by electing and maybe even serving on our Board of Directors. Membership also grants you access to members only events throughout the year, as well as a discounted rate on our Vive la Francophonie series.
Paying dues through our online store is for those who have already been accepted as members. While we appreciate your enthusiasm, please fill out our Membership application HERE, before paying yearly dues.
Thank you for continuing your membership with L’Union Francaise! Membership allows you to help decide the future of the organization by electing and maybe even serving on our Board of Directors. Membership also grants you access to members only events throughout the year, as well as a discounted rate on our Vive la Francophonie series.
Paying dues through our online store is for those who have already been accepted as members. While we appreciate your enthusiasm, please fill out our Membership application HERE, before paying yearly dues.