Elementary School - Grants
As part of its mission to promote French language and culture in Louisiana, L’Union Française supports a mini-grant program to assist schools that teach French in the elementary grades (K-8). The grants are used to enrich French language instruction and stimulate student interest in French culture.
The timeline for the annual awards is:
January 13 Announcement of Competition
February 11 Grant Applications* due
February 12 Approval of Grants
February 21 Award letters and checks mailed to recipients
May 13 Grantee reports due
*Click here for a Grant Application Form: LufGrantAppForm
This year grants were awarded to the following schools:
Academy of the Sacred Heart Middle School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle Orléans, New Orleans, Louisiana
Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Mamou Elementary, Mamou, Louisiana
Myrtle Place Elementary, Lafayette, Louisiana
Westdale Middle School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
This year grants were awarded to the following schools:
Academy of the Sacred Heart Middle School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Academy of the Sacred Heart Lower School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Cut Off Elementary, Cut Off, Louisiana
Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle Orléans, New Orleans, Louisiana
International School of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana
Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Myrtle Place Elementary, Lafayette, Louisiana
South Larose Elementary School, Larose, Louisiana
St. George’s Episcopal School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Stuart Hall School, New Orleans, Louisiana
This year grants were awarded to the following schools:
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Cut Off Elementary, Cut Off, Louisiana
Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle Orleans, new Orleans, Louisiana
International School of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana
Myrtle Place Elementary, Lafayette, Louisiana
Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, Louisiana
South Larose Elementary School, Larose, Louisiana
St. George’s Episcopal School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Stuart Hall, New Orleans, Louisiana
This year grants were awarded to the following schools:
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Lycée Français, New Orleans, Louisiana
St. George Episcopal School, New Orleans, Louisiana
This year grants were awarded to the following schools:
International School of Louisiana, Dixon Campus, New Orleans, Louisiana
St. Martin’s Episcopal School, Metairie, Louisiana
2020 grants were awarded to the following schools:
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Cecilia Primary School, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
École Bilingue, New Orleans, Louisiana
Lycée Français, New Orleans, Louisiana
Myrtle Place Elementary School, Lafayette, Louisiana
For additional information contact Grants Chairperson at grantsLUFnola@outlook.com